Oracle has introduced Utilities Network Management System 1.11 to provide real-time views of grid activity to help properly align electricity generation with demand.
The new modeling helps analyze the effects of customer loads – such as electric vehicle (EV) recharging – in different locations and identify where off-peak recharging is needed due to grid capacity constraints.
The platform will help incorporate into the grid electricity from renewable resources like solar roofs and backyard windmills, allowing utilities to use local generation to meet renewable resource targets.
Using power from multiple sources helps utilities improve demand management and lessens the likelihood of disruptions.
The new release further demonstrates the capabilities of advanced distribution management (ADM) that is core to Oracle Utilities Network Management System.
ADM is an emerging set of outage, distribution and grid optimization functionality essential to optimal smart grid operation.
The new integrations alleviate reliance on a particular vendor’s SCADA system, allowing utilities the option to retain their current SCADA while moving efficiently and cost effectively into the smart grid era.
The new release helps utilities recognize more value from their smart grid investments by ensuring that all energy storage and control devices are fully incorporated into ongoing operational and forecasting analyses.
Oracle Utilities Network Management System 1.11 provides flexibility in integrating geographic information systems (GIS) investments, including new support for International Electrochemical Commission (IEC) 61968 Common Information Model (CIM) standards.
Pepco Holdings Business Systems manager Brian Chabot said with advanced distribution management systems, outage information can be improved to further leverage smart metering investments and deliver immediate value to customers.
Oracle Utilities Industry Strategy vice president Brad Williams said incorporating new technologies into a real-time model of the grid is vital to utilities’ ability to manage network activity.
"Oracle Utilities Network Management System offers the real-time modeling and power system simulations utilities need to optimize grid operations as networks change," Williams said.