Oracle has introduced the Pedigree and Serialization Manager, which it says will improve supply chain integrity in the pharmaceutical industry.

The company claims that its new integrated mass-serialization and pedgiree application offering enables pharmaceutical manufacturers to comply with electronic pedigree (ePedigree) initiatives and regulatory requirements.

According to Oracle, its new offering will reduce business and reputational risk associated with drug counterfeiting and product diversion. Additionally, the new offering generates, stores, transmits and authenticates drug product serial data and ePedigree data.

Further, pharmaceutical companies can use this offering to increase the accuracy of returns management and decrease associated losses, while it’s non-repudiation capabilities automate assessment and reconciliation of products returned against products shipped, helping to reduce write offs, Oracle said.

The company said that the new offering built on an open standards-based Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Fusion Middleware applications, can integrate with existing Oracle and third-party systems.

Moreover, it can can also be used by any industry carrying high-value products at risk for counterfeiting and piracy, Oracle said.