Opus Technology of Redhill, Surrey will launch a 20MHz Intel 80386-based micro at the end of October; the 32-bit, OS/2 compatible PC 7 Turbo Cache 386 features 64Kb of RAM cache memory, 4Mb of system memory which can be expanded to 16Mb, and 3.5 or 5.25 floppy drives; a hard-disk controller provides 1:1 interleaving which, says the company, allows data to be read and moved from the 70Mb voice coil actuated hard disk at twice the speed of conventional 386-based micros: Opus is also releasing an 80286 machine, the PC VI Turbo, with switchable 12MHz/8MHz clock speeds, the Neat chip set and 1Mb of system memory expandable to 4Mb on the motherboard; prices for the machines have not yet been decided.