In tune with the pharmaceutical industry’s increased focus on relationship marketing, Optas 5.4 feature enhancements are designed to create close patient engagement, drive action, and motivate specific behavior in ways that were previously unachievable on a large scale. The 5.4 release provides enhanced survey architecture and deployment tools, modules designed to drive specific behaviors across the customer lifecycle, and expanded channel deployment and offer management infrastructure.

The net result of Optas 5.4 deployment will be the ability for pharmaceutical marketers to automate and deploy tightly targeted communications ensuring quality, consistency, and privacy-law compliance.

In response to patient demand for immediate information specific to their condition, Optas 5.4 web-services-enabled dialog delivers real-time message customization. Through 5.4’s survey data collection architecture integrated with already existing event-triggered message deployment, pharmaceutical marketers can now automate and personalize patient communications as fast as the patient needs them.

According to Optas, this integrated surveying capability supports an environment of listening, building trust, and engagement because information gathered is immediately put to use to personalize subsequent communications with the patient.