The Tarrytown, New York-based company will next month release a SyncML OXtender free to current users of its Open-Xchange Server email, calendar, and document-management technology to enable cross-platform synchronization with any device that supports the SyncML standard.
The SyncML OXtender will be available to existing Open-Xchange Server 5 users free of charge between mid-December and the end of December and will cost $495 for the first 25 users for a one-year maintenance subscription.
Following an earlier agreement with Novell Inc, Open-Xchange established its independence in late 2004 and released the first commercial version of its Open-Xchange Server product (version 5) in April 2005.
The company has won a couple of high-profile contract wins in recent months, with Germany’s Green Party selecting Open-Xchange Server 5 to handle the email, contacts, and calendaring at the political party’s Berlin headquarters.
The company has also announced that the University Hospital of the Swiss region of Waadt is using the product’s portal, web mail, calendar, contacts, tasks, bookmarks, and bulletin board functionality on both workstations and Palm PDAs, the latter making use of the SyncML interface.