The non-profit group was formed in February and is working on projects including a common customer view, single sign-on, data integration, real-time synchronization, and application programming interfaces.

Originally founded by 10 members, the OSA is now up to 18 thanks to the addition of Black Duck, the Mambo Foundation, Onepoint, the Open Source Technology Alliance, Palamida, and

They join founders Adaptive Planning, Centric CRM, CollabNet, EnterpriseDB, Hyperic, JasperSoft, Openbravo,, SpikeSource, and Talend, as well as GroundWork and Unisys, which both joined shortly before the official launch.

The OSA recently announced its roadmap to focus on identity management and security, infrastructure, management, user interface, single sign-on, business process, and application compatibility task forces, as well as interoperability.