UK-based brokerage firm Redmayne-Bentley is the first open source customer to join the non-profit OSA, which was formed in February to drive the adoption of open source software above and beyond the Linux operating system.

Initial members included Adaptive Planning, Centric CRM, CollabNet, EnterpriseDB, Hyperic, JasperSoft, Openbravo,, SpikeSource, and Talend, as well as GroundWork Open Source and Unisys.

While Black Duck, the Mambo Foundation, Onepoint, the Open Source Technology Alliance, Palamida, and joined in April, the membership roster has been swelled further by the addition of Redmayne-Bentley, as well as CorraTech, Open IT Works, and Ingres.

Based in Leeds, Redmayne-Bentley recently migrated its core platform from Unix to Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server running on Unisys ES7000/one servers. Ingres is an open source database vendor, while CorraTech is an open source services and consulting firm.

Open IT Works meanwhile is an organization that hopes to apply elements of the open source development methodology to IT best practices. A CIO-level membership organization, it provides a legal framework through which CIOs can share information and knowledge as well as license intellectual property for the common good.

All four new members will join existing OSA projects focused on identity management and security, infrastructure, management, user interface, single sign-on, business process, and application compatibility task forces, as well as interoperability.