Dr Chris Harding, director of interoperability at The Open Group

Open Group said the guide will provide businesses with tips on how to achieve portability and interoperability when working with cloud products and services.

Chris Harding, director of interoperability at The Open Group said: "With cloud computing increasingly becoming an integral part of business, whether it is for storage, collaboration tools or applications, companies must be able to use it easily and efficiently," he said.

The guide, which is aimed at business managers, IT and marketing departments, and enterprise and business architect, explores the importance of interoperability and portability within cloud computing and provides practical advice for companies considering using the cloud.

It also reflects The Open Group’s member companies’ experience and understanding of interoperability and portability issues in cloud computing.

"It should be possible to buy cloud services "off the shelf" and integrate them with each other and with in-house services, with minimal effort. Lack of portability of and interoperability between components of cloud solutions could mean that the potential business benefits of cloud computing are not fulfilled," added Harding.

The guide can be downloaded from The Open Group website for free in PDF, eBook or HTML format.