Onstream Media will integrate the software into its digital asset management services platform to better manage the digital rich media used by entertainment facilities, financial services, healthcare and education.

The solution is expected to enable users to encode, log, index, store, collaborate, transcode, retrieve, and distribute rich media libraries via an IP-based global network. It is intended to be utilized by individual creators, workgroups and enterprise class organizations and is available on a monthly subscription basis.

Onstream Media has also contracted with Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), an IT security firm, with a view to provide a high level of security, availability and reliability to its network. Security offerings will include user authentication, permissible user controls, digital rights management, firewalls, VPNs, intrusion detection and network monitoring to support customer requirements.

Companies will have the option of deploying TeleScope Enterprise on a local, national or global basis. The new service will attempt to benefit companies that are looking to reduce the cost of managing their digital assets in house, reducing or eliminating major technology investments and avoiding the need for redundant data management teams, by enabling greater efficiency in managing digital assets globally.

Randy Selman, president and CEO of Onstream Media, said: The TeleScope application gives us the scale and performance that our media and enterprise customers demand. Their mature APIs and distributed architecture will allow Onstream Media to rapidly integrate state of the art security, workflow and encoding technologies that are beyond the reach of most installed DAM systems because of cost and complexity.

Existing North Plains clients also hope to benefit from this partnership by tapping into Onstream Media’s advanced webcasts and video transport services.