OnSpec Inc, Santa Clara, California has come out with a couple ingenious facsimile boards-plus. The Fax-Pax is a single board which the company says combines facsimile, modem, scanner, phone switching and remote computer turn-on for MS-DOS computers. The single half-slot AT board includes 2,400bps modem, 9600bps facsimile and phone switching and remote turn-on capabilities and comes with a 100/200/400/800 dots per inch half-page scanner and scanner software, but relies on the personal computer to manage its operations rather than its own processor; it costs $900 from next month. The other new product is a single AT board that combines the complete functions of modem, facsimile and voice mail. Fax-O-Phone recognises an incoming signal as that of a facsimile machine, a telephone call or a modem, and automatically switches to the appropriate mode without operator intervention; it supports up to 99 speech mailboxes and will sell for $700 from the first quarter 1991. Both the products will be distributed outside the US by Prima International Inc.