Online shoppers spent nearly £1,500 each on products last year, with online retail trade making up 12% of total spending, the highest in Europe according to a report.

The shopping search engine service, Kelkoo also predicted an increase for 2012 which is above the already predicted 3.65% for all retail sales.

Other European countries showed high online retail market percentages with Germany at 9% Switzerland with 8.7% and Norway with 8.1%

European Marketing Director of KelKoo, Chris Simpson said consumer desire for buying online is steadily increasing each year.

"It’s natural to see consumer appetite for online shopping growing year on year. This is not because people are spending more money but because they are shopping in the most convenient and affordable way for their individual needs. Inevitably, this will have an ongoing negative impact on the high street, an issue which is forcing retailers to bring the two channels much closer together.

"Over the last five years internet retailing has improved substantially thanks to the use of affordable ‘always-on’ internet connections, simple and secure payment systems and the increasing popularity of mobile devices, combined with the growth of mobile-based retail sites.

"It is widely acknowledged that the recession has boosted the appeal of online retailing and UK consumers are more determined than ever to make every penny count."