About one in three UK Facebook admit they do not socialise with friends made through social networking site in real life, a new survey suggests.

According to a recent survey by VoucherCodesPro, the majority of users are willing to spend time with only 10% of their Facebook friends.

However, the survey respondents would not delete their Facebook friends from the list as they are worried of missing out on gossip.

The research also suggested that about one-fifth of the survey respondents admitted to using the social networking site to keep watch on their kids and other relatives.

VoucherCodesPro marketing director George Charles said: "It seems with the results of this study, the old saying about keeping your friends close, but your enemies even closer, is definitely alive and well even in today’s society with our reliance on the internet."

Some of the respondents even said they hate some of their online friends and only maintained Facebook friendship to view their photos.

About a quarter of the surveyed were scared of ending a relationship online.

Another survey by Media Effects Research Laboratory reports that the profiles of Facebook users reflect their feelings of self-respect and freedom.

The study suggested that users with less self-esteem like to continuously keep an eye on their Facebook wall for updates, while high self-esteem users add more information about themselves.

However, both high and low self-esteem people are likely to spend a lot of time on developing their profiles on social networking sites.

Picture – Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and other employees – or are they friends?