Mitch Kapor’s On Technology Inc of Cambridge, Massachusetts has Version 2.0 of On Location software, a Macintosh desk accessory that reduces the time it takes to find and view files: On Location 2.0, shipping this quarter, is said to offer significant enhancements and new features, including System 7.0 compatibility; it indexes the name and text of files on hard disks, network servers, floppie disks and CD-ROMS; new features include searching for numbers in files, searching with AND or OR, printing and copying the file list, interface refinements and user-defined timing for background indexing; Version 2.0 includes an XTND file translator to view files created by Instant Update, a new application for Mac networks that enables groups to communicate through live documents, and the developer’s kit enables developers to incorporate search capabilities into their own applications; those buying On Location on or after July 29 will be eligible for a free upgrade to version 2.0 and a new purchase is $130.