ON24 provides a full suite of end-to-end rich media products and services that enable corporations in the financial services, healthcare and technology industries to deliver their business communications cost-effectively to the widest audience. As recently reported by Jupiter Media Metrix, corporations are expected to spend dramatically higher amounts on streaming technology in the next four years. Together, ON24 and Akamai are addressing this increased demand for enterprise streaming solutions that provide a high-performance infrastructure for rich media database management, corporate product launches, keynote addresses, investor relations communications, internal communications, and coverage of live conferences and events.

Through the agreement, ON24 will offer its corporate customers Akamai’s industry-leading Akamai Conference and Akamai Forum enterprise streaming services. This will provide ON24’s customers a cost-effective means of extending the reach of their events, while cutting costs associated with traditional communications methods. ON24 customers can leverage the Akamai Conference service to provide delivery of live and on-demand audio and video streaming with or without synchronized presentation materials. In addition, Akamai Forum provides an end-to-end event management application for interactive, studio-quality webcasting with integrated audience management and extensive reporting.

This agreement is a tremendous value-add for ON24 clients, as Akamai’s core competencies complement our own in providing the most cutting-edge webcasting capabilities available, said Scott Diehl, senior vice president, sales and business development, ON24. We’re pleased to extend these additional capabilities to our customers, who are at the forefront of advanced, interactive webcasting today.

The market for enterprise streaming applications is expected to soar as more and more businesses realize the significant cost savings associated with utilizing the Internet as an effective business communications medium, said Chris Turner, vice president, worldwide channel distribution, Akamai. The Akamai Conference and Akamai Forum services leverage our worldwide network for high-performance content delivery while adding reach and interactivity to business communications. We’re excited to work with ON24 to help organizations better realize the potential of the Internet as a powerful communications platform.

Akamai provides enterprise and Internet businesses with a highly reliable, high-performance platform for the delivery of all forms of content from the Internet’s edge. The massive scalability of the Akamai network ensures support for high-volume, worldwide audiences, regardless of Internet congestion caused by network bottlenecks. Akamai delivers live event webcasts, streaming media on demand, and a range of streaming application services based upon this globally distributed network and Akamai’s core technology for the intelligent, real-time routing of content requests based on end user location.