The subscription-based service will allow UK users to access and download music straight onto their mobile phone for GBP1.99 per week.

Omnifone commented that the 23 mobile operators with which it has formed agreements have subscribers in 40 countries and a total customer base of 690 million. The partners include Scandinavian network operator Telenor and Vodafone partner network Vodacom in South Africa. Omnifone added that four more networks would launch the service across western Europe and Asia Pacific in Q2 2007.

MusicStation is pre-installed on participating partner operator handsets and allows users to search for, download and play music on their mobile phone, as well as create, manage and store playlists centrally so that they can be shared with other MusicStation users. It also gives users access to the latest music news.

MusicStation will run on all 2.5G and 3G music compatible mobiles, accounting for approximately 80% of all mobile phone handsets sold in western Europe at present

Rob Lewis, CEO of Omnifone commented: MusicStation will give users of any music-capable handset the ability to legally access, download and enjoy an unlimited amount of music, from a global music catalogue supported by the music industry, all for a small weekly fee, wherever they are.

Omnifone is hailing MusicStation as a rival to Apple’s upcoming iPhone. The company commented that, unlike the iPhone, its service downloads music over the air, giving users instant access at any time without the need for a computer or broadband connection.

Mr Lewis commented: We will ensure the vast majority of Europeans have the freedom to choose MusicStation by the time iPhone arrives in Europe. We will give consumers the choice they deserve.