Omnicell stated that the new system transforms and communicates data between disparate systems over a variety of communication protocols. According to Robert Johns, manager of Omnicell’s interface development team, the OmniGate runs as a Windows service, which enables administration to be performed over HTTP/HTTPS using a web browser via ASP.NET.
The product is expected to provide several main classes of components that can be assembled together to form a single interface, enabling new interfaces to be created at run-time by selecting and arranging components together through the user interface. New components can be developed and added later to an existing system.
OmniGate 2.0 is an upgrade in technology, functionality and supportability, Johns noted. Automatically generated e-mail messages removes the need for IT mangaers to log onto an Omnicell server to monitor the system’s progress, by alerting them to server problems.
According to Johns, the upgraded program also has several significant reliability enhancements that make it a true enterprise integration solution for Omnicell IDN customers.