OKI Electric Industry (OKI) has unveiled upgraded MoBiz Platform Version.1.1 for Android, which is a middleware for developing mobile business applications for Android smartphones and tablets for the Japanese market.

The MoBiz Platform is a middleware product line that allows developers to create business applications for smartphones and tablets for an array of business applications, regardless of enterprise scale.

The offerings optimised with three-layer system realise a mobile business system that combines the advantages of local applications with the advantages of Web applications, and accounts for issues related to data security and dependability of various mobile phone models.

The new offering is designed to accommodate Android, smartphones and tablets running Android 2.2 or later versions, and to smartphones running Windows Mobile 6.5 or later.

MoBiz Platform Ver.1.1 for Android consists of MoBiz Platform Client, and MoBiz Platform Server, and is available in two formats – System consignments for enterprises, and MoBiz Platform to systems developers.

OKI IT solutions and services business division software centre general manager Yuichiro Hiranuma said MoBiz Platform Ver.1.1 for Android provides a framework for running mobile applications at all times on a wide range of Android devices, while duly accounting for unstable communication environments.