Fujitsu Ltd also announced what is claims is the world’s first small business computer in a notebook. Based on a 20MHz Motorola MC68030 CPU and weighing 5 lbs 5 oz in an A4 package, the K-150SiNB notebook comes standard with 6Mb RAM and is available with two sizes of internal disk, 52Mb and 86Mb. A high-end model of the popular (in Japan) proprietary K series small business computer, the K-690Si Model 40 was also released. It offers 1.5 times the performance of the previous top-end Model 30 and features a new four-way CPU, with main memory expandable up to 384Mb. The notebook K-150SiNB model is priced at $7,000, while the top-end model K-690Si Model 40 is priced at just under $1m.