According to public sector news provider Public Technology, Ofcom’s study revealed the need for e-government service planners to consider digital TV as a prime delivery mechanism in the future.

The report, Digital Local, assessed the opportunities open to local content providers in the run-up to full digital switchover. It has emphasized the opportunities presented by new and emerging technologies for communicating local news, entertainment and information. The report also pointed to broadband as a service that presents a myriad of opportunities for the communication of local information and services.

Looking ahead to the digital switchover, Ofcom has committed itself to developing and implementing a new licensing regime for local digital television services, should it be required, and if instructed by the UK’s Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, to do so.

If the report is indicative of little else, it shows a preparedness on the part of the UK government for the mass digitization of information the coming years are set to witness.