Sunsoft Inc says it will start delivering OEM versions of Solaris 2.1 on iAPX-86 by mid-month, fulfilling its promise to get the desktop Unix for Intel Corp boxes out during the first quarter of 1993: OEM customers, including Dell Computer Corp, AST Research Inc, Compaq Computer Corp, CompuAdd Corp and Toshiba Corp are breathing sighs of relief, but said they were unwilling to comment until final copies are delivered; Sunsoft has had problems meeting time schedules for Solaris in the past, but it seems to be back on target; it says all it has left to do is upgrade localised versions of the software from Solaris 2.0 to Solaris 2.1 – German, French, Italian, Japanese and two Chinese editions are due; OEM customers are expected to ship Solaris 2.1 systems in April or May this year.