With the launch of its 12K system, OctigaBay is opening a sales office in Dallas, Texas. This is near one of the hottest hotbeds of supercomputing in the world, thanks to the never-ending processing needs of the oil and gas exploration industries. OctigaBay has 60 employees, and the 12K is its first product.

The company knows that the real problem with these machines is that they are difficult to use efficiently and they are tough to manage. So the OctigaBay 12K product includes not only sophisticated hardware to make them more efficient than regular Linux clusters, but also has systems management programs that the company has invented.

The OctigaBay machines will be installed for early field trials at Sandia National Labs and Lawrence Livermore National Lab, and will be generally available in early 2004.

This article was based on material originally published by ComputerWire.