Daimler-Benz AG, which has a big stake in Sogeti SA, controlling shareholder of Cap Gemini Sogeti SA, has invested what sounds like a life-saving $5m in Burlington, Massachusetts-based object database pioneer Ontos Inc. Ontos does not talk about its database these days: instead it describes itself as a provider of component object technology for distributed, network-based applications. The computer business is getting more and more nebulous, so we shouldn’t be surprised that Ontos and Daimler-Benz have formed what they are calling a virtual corporation in which they will work co-operatively to explore ways to integrate next-generation object technology with existing information systems, so that users can create, share, and distribute active network applications across the enterprise. Ontos is to provide technical expertise to assist Daimler-Benz in designing an object-based information infrastructure to support applications developed specifically for the company’s various lines of business. Ontos says that the cash and support from Daimler will enable it to continue to create new commercial products for its Object Cohesive Enterprise strategy in real-world business environments.