NCR Corp reports that Objectivity Inc’s Objectivity/DB object database management system is now up on its NCR System 3000 computers: it is already up on Unix workstations from Digital Equipment Corp, Hewlett-Packard Co, IBM Corp, Silicon Graphics Inc and Sun Microsystems Inc, and under DEC’s VMS on VAX computers, and supports application interoperability through automatic and transparent conversion of incompatible data formats across different machine architectures and operating systems, and provides a distributed architecture that maximises use of distributed resources and provides complete flexibility in storing data; Menlo Park-based Objectivity also announced a partners programme for vendors of object information technology to [rpmote provision of application development tools that increase software development productivity for object database applications; first participants are DEC, Hewlett-Packard, NCR, CenterLine Software Inc, ProtoSoft Inc, Associative Design Technology Inc, Persistence Inc, Interactive Development Environments Inc and ParcPlace Systems Inc; the programme will initially focus on agreements with object technology vendors in software engineering, graphical user interfaces, database gateways, rapid application development and object-oriented design and analysis.