Object-oriented database management system specialist Objectivity Inc, Menlo Park, California has unveiled version 3.0 of its Objectivity/DB object database system, claiming that the new Objectivity/SQL++ release it includes provides the first ANSI SQL and SQL 3 interface to an object-oriented database, and is the first with support for SQL using a Microsoft Corp Open Data Base Connectivity interface. Other enhancements compared with the 2.1 release, which was delivered last June, include replicated services, Objectivity/Partition – for workgroups connected over wide area networks – and a new C++ interface. Objectivity 3.0 costs between $5,000 and $15,000 per developer and between $500 and $1,500 per user. Realease 3.0, SQL++ and Partitions will all be available next month. The market for object-oriented databases was worth some $60m last year according to International Data Corp, and the Framingham, Massachusetts based research house expects it to grow to over $400m over the next two years.