Los Angeles-based Candle Corp has announced a new release of Omegamon II for DB2 that features true real-time input-output management for IBM Corp’s DB2 objects through DB2 Object Analysis. By the way it is OK, you have not spent a few years trapped in a time warp, DB2 is still a relational database. Candle does not explain what it means by an object but as DB2 is not object-oriented and as Candle has not to our knowledge launched an object-oriented modelling technique for DB2 we may assume a shameless marketing scam. Object is probably taken to mean some aspect of data or process but not both. However, full marks to Candle for spotting that today’s database administrator is tomorrow’s object administrator. Anyway back to the new product, which also has a Common User Access-compliant user interface. DB2 Object Analysis enables the database administrator or systems programmer to view allocation information and input-output activity by DB2 object and disk activity by volume. The new feature is claimed to enable users to perform faster and more accurate observation tuning of DB2 input-output, proactively address application design and dataset placement issues, and isolate abnormal input-output activity to a particular problem object. Problem areas or objects could be DB2 connections to CICS, IMS and TSO, as well as the Distributed Data Facility and batch; DB2 resources including buffer pools, EDM pools, the log manager, active traces and DDF statistics. Omegamon II for DB2 is available now and is priced from $35,000 to $61,500, depending on the size of the processor.