The Object Management Group is to end up with four or five new specifications from its Dublin meeting, as well as those for the Object Request Broker-to-Common Object Model and CORBA 2.0. Its task force approved a specification for Common Object Request Broker Architecture C++ mapping created by Iona Technologies Ltd, Expersoft Corp, Sun Microsystems Inc, IBM Corp, NEC Corp, Digital Equipment Corp and others, the so-called ‘compromise from hell’, which goes forward to a formal vote. Also adopted to vote on was a specification for bringing transaction processing into the object world, as part of the Object Group’s set of common object services. The specification was developed by Compagnie des Machines Bull SA, IBM, Tandem Computers Inc, Novell Inc, Iona and others, apparently driven by IBM and Tandem, which had decided that transaction processing services must happen as soon as possible. The two are said to have put a huge amount of effort into getting the specification done; possibly more than has gone in to any other Object Group technology so far, one insider said. Concurrency control, externalisation and relationship specifications were also passed forward to be voted on by the Object Group committee.