All told, 13 companies responded to the Object Management Group’s CORBA II call for information on December 8, and the Group says it is delighted that their ranks include some new faces, such as Dublin, Ireland-based Iona Technologies Ltd and San Diego’s own ExperSoft Corp, adding that it hopes they have some interesting technology. The companies will have to get their full specs in by late February when the task force assigned to CORBA II officially gets involved. The Object Management Group expects there will be a lot of pairing up among the companies just as in CORBA I. The companies that responded include IBM Corp, Digital Equipment Corp, Hewlett-Packard Co, SunSoft Inc, Hyperdesk Corp, Symbolics Inc, ICL Plc, Bell Northern Research, NCR Corp, NEC Corp and the Open Software Foundation. The Object Management Group’s next Request for Information revolves around compound document architecture and the politics surrounding it should be a hoot since the forces behind OpenDoc and Object Linking & Embedding are expected to square off.