Object Design Inc, of Burlington, Massachusetts, will begin shipping the components of its ObjectStore Component Architecture next quarter. The architecture is a framework of tools and technologies for creating object-based applications. Object Design’s ObjectStore database sits at the core. Components include a SmallTalk client for AIX and SunOS and a C++ client managing objects and relationships for Windows NT, Solaris, Silicon Graphics Inc and Hewlett-Packard Co Unixes are due at month-end at $1,500. A SQL client providing access to ObjectStore C++ data from SQL-based tools and applications is due in September. ObjectStore Gateway – what used to be referred to as DBconnect (CI No 2,484), connects DB2/6000, DB2/MVS, Oracle and Sybase databases using IBM Co rp’s Datajoiner in conjunction with ObjectStore and enables high level languages and other tools to access ObjectStore data through Opeb Database Connectivity. Gateway will be available in September. Object Design sees communications, manufacturing and financial concerns as customers for the architecture. The firm talks ambitiously of $40m revenues in 1995 and of going public in the first half of next year.