Object Design Inc says its ObjectStore Component Architecture will strengthen the ability of ObjectStore to support applications used by large numbers of concurrent users across the enterprise. It will also enable users to use existing legacy data, applications and relational tools, while also benefitting from object technology in areas such as code re-use, high performance, data interoperability and support for data-intensive applications. Along with ObjectStore 4.0 the architecture is made up of ObjectStore Smalltalk Client; ObjectStore SQL Client; ObjectStore C++ Client; and ObjectStore Gateway. Smalltalk Client is a new version of ObjectStore that includes an interface to ParcPlace Systems Inc’s VisualWorks application development environment and has been developed in cooperation with ParcPlace Systems. It provides direct support for native Smalltalk objects and offers database support for managing Smalltalk objects in a distributed, multi-user environment. C++ Client is an interface between the database server and C++ that manages the logical modelling view, including collections, queries, versions, transaction and memory management and relationships among objects. The C++ Client enables database processing to be spread across clients and servers. SQL Client provides access to ObjectStore C++ data from SQL-based tools and applications. Object data stored in ObjectStore can be translated and presented in a SQL table format. And Gateway offers interoperability between ObjectStore and relational databases, including proprietary ones, thus enabling developers to access relational databases residing on Unix and personal computers transparently. The Smalltalk Client, SQL Client and Gateway will be available in the second half of 1995 and will not be priced until then.