Following the market shift towards Java, Object Design Inc has released the latest version of its database management system claiming it is the world’s first database to provide native Java support. The Burlington, Massachusetts company’s database management system has been given new functionality in release 5.0 which the company believes will enhance performance for organizations setting up intranets or building business applications for the web. The new Java features enable users to scale their Java applications from a single user desktop to a multi-user server with the ability to use existing database components through C++interoperability. Several new features have been added to the latest release including an ActiveX interface and replication device for disaster recovery purposes. The company believes that the new database will mean that users will be able to develop applications quicker and it will be easier to upgrade existing business applications and web sites. Coinciding with the world wide launch of ObjectStore 5.0, Object Design has also released updates to its graphical browser, Inspector which enables the user to view, query and edit data in ObjectStore, for use in application development, testing and administration. ObjectForms 2.0 which is used to generate interactive Web pages using HTML template files has also been updated and released and the company says it reduces development time by providing a point-and-click interface to generate template and database queries. ObjectStore 5.0 is priced at $3,800, ObjectForms 2.0 is $3,500 for a single development seat, while Inspector 2.1 is $1,200 for a single development seat. All products are available immediately.