Seems that Nynex Corp may have blown its own chances of partici pating in the PTAT-1 fibre optic cable across the Atlantic (CI No 965): according to the Wall Street Journal, the New York and New England phone company sent its request for a waiver to the terms of the AT&T break-up settlement to the Justice Department only two weeks ago, and Justice officials say that the applica tion involved a novel issue that needed considerable in vestigation, and that they were not given time to complete the work, although they did try; they would have passed their recom mendation on to Judge Harold Greene, who has in most cases ap proved waivers recommended by Justice; the removal of Nynex from the running therefore does not affect Pacific Telesis Group’s participation in Cable & Wireless Plc’s other major fibre cable, the PPAC-1 to cross the Pacific, either for or against – but anyway, Nynex is not taking no for an answer and is leaving its application in, hoping that if it comes through in time it can change Cable & Wireless’ mind; Cables meantime says it is talking to several other – non-Bell – firms and expects to announce a replacement partner in the late summer or early autumn.