Houston-based Nustar International Inc reckons that its Morse 2000 Information Server will sharply enhance the ability of businesses to develop and move information over electronic networks: the Morse 2000 is designed to assist companies in easily publishing information over telephone lines using desktop computers and other display devices including viewdata terminals; the software is designed to enable users to develop, test and distribute a wide range of information, including internal corporate, sales and personnel instruction and training, plus information and ideas for salespeople, and can also give corporate managers a new electronic communications tool to keep employees and customers informed about company policies, products and services; Morse 2000 includes an Authoring System and a Server System and runs on 80386-based personal computers under Unix; the Authoring System runs under MS-DOS and has an object-oriented development environment with command language and the ability to create on-screen navigation buttons; no price or availability was given.