Financial products and services provider Identity Theft 911’s services will be made available to nearly 30,000 of Numerica CU’s checking account and Visa credit card-holding members at no cost to them.

The Identity Theft 911 resolution program includes a personal advocate who works with the victim every step of the way to resolve the crisis and restore the victim’s identity.

The Identity Theft 911 victim resolution service offers systematic notification of agencies, businesses, and institutions; comprehensive case-file creation, preparation of all needed documents and credit reports from all three credit bureaus.

In addition, the consumer education component provides all members with ongoing threat alerts, a monthly newsletter, and a dedicated web site with articles, interviews, and white papers covering all aspects of this crime.

Numerica CU president and CEO Dennis Cutter said, Education and prevention are keys to keeping our members safe from identity theft and fraud. That is why we are instilling the importance of shredding personal documents, utilizing online services, and offering identity theft resources such as Identity Theft 911. We provide this service free to every member who has a checking account or a Numerica Credit Union Visa credit card.