Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Co’s NTT PC Communications has gone to San Jose-based StrataCom Inc for its IPX FastPacket networking switch for its new public Frame Relay service and the two have also signed an OEM agreement for sales of the IPX in Japan. The Frame Relay service is scheduled for launch in summer 1993, initially offering service in Tokyo and Osaka with further sites expected to be added as demand from businesses for the new data service grows. Under the OEM agreement, NTT will resell StrataCom’s IPX 16 and IPX 32 FastPacket networking switches to companies headquartered in Japan as the NTT PC Communications IPX family. NTT PC Communications was founded as a subsidiary of Nippon Telegraph & Telephone in 1985, and offers Japan’s first public message handling service, the NTT PC Network. The unit is also a systems integrator for large companies.