Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp, Microsoft Corp and a Japanese cable television operator will launch trial interactive multimedia services such as video-on-demand, shopping, games and telephone services in Yokosuka, south of Tokyo today, to run until March 31 1997. The trial, in 300 households on fiber optic cables, will use new low-cost video-on-demand servers based on personal computers running Windows NT. The servers, jointly developed by Nippon and Microsoft, have a video storage capacity of up to 200 hours and run up to 100 users each.


Singapore multimedia equipment company Creative Technology Ltd signed a co-marketing and settlement agreement with Reveal Computers Inc which gives Creative the right to market and distribute some Reveal multimedia technology. Creative will also pay Reveal $4.6m to resolve any remaining disputes or obligations arising from Creative’s aborted acquisition of Reveal, terminated in November 1995 (CI No 2,801), taking a $4.6m charge for it against this quarter’s profits.