NTT America, a wholly owned US subsidiary of NTT Communications (NTT Com) and an IP network services provider, has unveiled new evolution of VLink, a multi-location Ethernet offering that provides content providers, Internet service providers (ISPs), and enterprises direct connectivity among their multiple locations and provides an alternative to point-to-point connections.

The company said that its new offering gives companies in the US a simple way to integrate WAN reach into existing Ethernet-based LANs without additional overhead costs and training.

As a Layer 2 Virtual Private Network (L2VPN) offering, VLink maintains a prioritised path on the network to carry data, voice, and video all on the same physical link, enabling companies to interconnect corporate Ethernet-based LANs or to migrate from private lines to an Internet-based offering.

NTT America said that its new offering gives companies the ability to connect to three or more point of presence (PoP) locations in the US by leveraging the reach and reliability of the NTT Com Global Tier-1 IP Network. It allows customers to combine their L2VPN and Internet access (IPv4 or dual-stack IPv4/IPv6) on the same physical port.

The offering is available in three configurations: VLink Direct – point-to-point architecture that links any 2 locations; VLink Plus – connecting a primary location with 2 or more other locations; and VLink Mesh – connecting 3 or more locations to each other.

Teri Francis, executive director of customer solutions for NTT America, said: "VLink reduces the need to manage disparate technology platforms and enables customers to deliver information in a more secure and efficient manner."