International Data Corp, Framingham, Massachusetts reckons that 82% of the $1,235m revenues from database licences sold for use under advanced operating systems was generated by Unix last year, compared with just 9.2% for NetWare, 7.5% for OS/2, and a lowly 1.3% for Windows NT. The share taken by Unix was down by just one percentage point on 1992. Unix sales accounted for 68% of licence shipments, NetWare made up 19.5%, OS/2 was 11.3% and Windows NT just 1.2%. The market researcher forecasts that relational database management system revenues will reach almost $7,000m by 1998, 75% of which will still be sales for Unix, 17.1% Windows NT, NetWare 5.6% and OS/2 2.3%. It casts NT as the fastest growing advanced operating system for database licence revenues to 1998, and poor OS/2 the slowest.