Windows NT and SQL Server 6.5 running on Intergraph Corp’s latest machine have set a new TPC-C benchmark price-performance record, pushing Unix systems completely out of the $/tpmC top-10 list. In the latest reported test results, published recently, a two-way Intergraph InterServe 625 scored $63.82/tpmC and an InterServe 615 came in not far behind at $66.41/tpmC. The 625 pushed a Digital Equipment Corp Prioris ZX 6200MP c/s, with a score of $65.16/tpmC, out of the position it’s been clinging to since November 14. That’s ancient history in the $/tpmC lists, where no other scores are more than 90-days-old and half of the top-10 results were reported in the last month. A Siemens Nixdorf Primergy 560, which grabbed the number two spot with a score of $68.61/tpmC on February 14, was pushed into fourth place. The last ousted Unix machine on the list, a four processor IBM PC Server 704, tenaciously hung on to the number 10 spot since December 23 at 88.03 $/tpmC running Solaris 2.5.1, Oracle7 7.3.3 and Tuxedo 4.2.2. It slipped to number 12.