Unisys Corp has made Mapper, its fourth generation computer aided software engineering product that first appeared on the Sperry 1100 mainframes, available on the BTOS range of Convergent workstations. The company says that Mapper is specifically designed for inexperienced users and enables them to build reporting and inquiry applications. It can be used to store and access information, and to create or modify reports. It combines entire or sections of reports into a single master, and has a hypothetical analysis facility to predict future trends. Functions may be integrated into run procedures, and data is displayed graphically in various colours and styles. Applications developed under Mapper on U-Series Unix machines are portable to BTOS Mapper, and there is also a personal computer version, PMS. The complete development system, BTOS Mapper, costs UKP2,500, and the run-time version is UKP700. Unisys has also added an enhanced version of OSI/FTAM 1.0 software for the BTOS range. This file transfer and access method enables users to transfer and access information on other computers using the Corporation for Open Systems File Transfer and Access Method. Connection can be via Ethernet, and local or wide area networks. It costs UKP1,130 for a multi-user licence.