The datacommunications industry is gearing up for the battle the define the standard for 56Kbps analog modem transmissions, and yet another heavyweight – Lucent Technologies’ Microelectronics Group – has come forward with its own solution. And like Rockwell Semiconductor Systems Inc (CI No 2,997) and US Robotics Corp (CI No 3,022), Lucent is aiming the technology specifically at users dialing into the Internet, and also requires conforming equipment to be installed at both the user and Internet Service Provider sites. Lucent has implemented its technology, dubbed V.flex2, on two chips initially: the SDP1643, to be launched as part of Lucent’s Apollo range and intended for Microsoft Windows-based systems, and the DSP1674, intended for installation at the service provider end. Lucent claims to have implemented much of the functionality in software, so that if the industry adopts one of the incompatible standards, its products will be upgradeable. And Lucent plans to offer the software across its other chips. Shipments are planned for the first quarter of next year, with first demonstrations at Comdex in late November.