That vast base of business applications is proving so seductive as to be irresistible to manufacturers new to the Unix world, and Data General Corp has joined the rush to put Pick up on its Unix boxes, going to the pioneer, VMark Software Inc, Natick, Massachusetts for its UniVerse Pick environment and offering it on its 88000-based AViiON machines as DG/UniVerse. Data General, which will market the thing both direct and via resellers, highlights the fact that DG/UX Unix supports logical disks so that large files can be spread over multiple drives. DG/UniVerse costs $330 per user for one to 63 users, $275 users when there are 64 or more. Separately, Data General reports that its new proprietary architecture Eclipse MV/5500 DC and MV/9500 use a 5 MIPS CPU that is the first microprocessor implement ation of the MV CPU (CI No 1,408).