Novell Inc plans to anticipate Microsoft Corp’s Windows NT with new client software for NetWare 4.0 that enables users to communicate both as peers and with a network server, Microbytes Daily reports. The client software will be an enhanced version of NetWare Lite – presumably including DR DOS – and will be bundled with the NetWare 4.0 server operating system, which features a global directory. Novell also will package the client software separately as NetWare Lite 2.0, intended to be used as a peer network operating system. In contrast to the original version of Lite, the new client software will support Novell’s NetWare Core Protocol to enable users of the peer package to connect to a NetWare 4.0 server. Novell will replace its NetWare shell, which enables clients to connect to NetWare servers, with the new peer-enabled client software.