Novell Inc, Orem, Utah has introduced its Open Link Interface specification which, it claims, allows link-independent operation of multiple protocols in MS-DOS and OS/2 local area networks. The Open Link Interface specification, jointly developed with Apple Computer Inc, provides guidelines for developing the interface between local area network adaptors and protocols on MS-DOS and OS/2 machines; the company claims that this will reduce the development work needed to produce local net adapters and protocol stacks that will interoperate. Novell also announced the results of the joint development with Ungermann Bass Inc, with the addition of source-routing capabilities to its local area network drivers for IBM Token Ring Networks, enabling users running NetWare to communicate across bridges using the IBM Token Ring NetWork Bridge software. The company claims that with source-routing capabilities, IBM bridges are able to recognise and transfer Novell packets to clients or servers throughout the network. The Token Ring Network source routing drivers allow all NetWare traffic to be routed over source routing bridges. The drivers will be available this quarter for $75, or free to subscribers to Novell’s NetWire electronic bulletin service.