The Waltham, Massachusetts-based Linux and networking software vendor has joined the China Linux Standard Group, an organization that was set up with the backing of China’s Ministry of Information Industry in April 2004 and is focused on Chinese Linux standards but does not seem to be able to settle on a name.

Also referred to as the National Linux Standard Project, the Linux National Standard Workgroup, the Linux Standardization Working Group, and the Chinese Linux Standard Work Team, the organization nevertheless is responsible for developing and defining standards for Linux-related architectures.

Novell is the first global commercial Linux vendor to formally join the group, although SAP AG’s China Research Institute is also involved, while Red Hat Inc. and France Telecom SA are observers, while Intel Corp. and Sun Microsystems Inc. are in the process of applying for formal membership, according to Novell.

Chinese commercial vendor members include Red Flag Software Co. Ltd. and Beijing Co-Create Open Source Software Company Ltd.

Novell said that representatives from Novell China would work with other group members to coordinate input from local and national development communities while providing Linux consulting and guidance to Chinese IT experts.