Novell Inc has announced upgrades for LAN Workplace for the Mac and for OS/2. Essentially, LAN WorkPlace for Macintosh v1.3 and LAN WorkPlace for OS/2 v3.0 are tweaks to cope with the latest versions of their respective operating systems. LAN WorkPlace for Macintosh v1.3 brings the product up to full System 7-compatibility with 32-bit addressing and balloon help. More interesting for developers is the news that the company is making available its LAN WorkPlace for Macintosh Toolkit – a piece of code that supports the Berkeley socket library interface and runs on both Novell’s TCP/IP and Apple Computer Inc’s MacTCP transport systems. Apart from the ability to log in to various hosts, LAN WorkPlace for Macintosh includes a host application that offers communications utilities such as Telnet VT100 terminal emulator, FTP file transfer utility, and Whois/Finger. LAN WorkPlace for OS/2 v3.0 now supports OS/2 version 2 and the company promises users can run without modification more than 50 existing MS-DOS and Windows applications written for Novell’s LAN WorkPlace for MS-DOS. Upgrade pricing is the same for both environments; $100 for one user, $450 for 10 users and $2,000 for 100 users. LAN WorkPlace for OS/2 is available immediately and LAN WorkPlace for Macintosh will be out next month, Novell said.