Swiss managed service provider Novatrend has chosen the CA Technologies’ AppLogic turnkey cloud computing platform to launch a new set of cloud services.

The CA AppLogic platform provides a cost-effective, scalable path for rapid cloud delivery by enabling customers to design, test and deploy complex cloud offerings for end users in less time than build-from-scratch cloud offerings.

Based on the CA AppLogic platform, Novatrend launched "Novacloud," a scalable, cloud-hosting service, which enables users to quickly design and deliver virtual business services in a matter of hours instead of days or months.

The platform gives Novatrend customers constant access to a portal where, which allows them to quicly adjust resources and capacity to meet their business needs. With Novacloud, users only need pay for the capacity that they use.

Novatrend co-founder and Chief Technology Officer Michael Brunner said many providers’ cloud offerings don’t correspond to what Novatrend thinks of as the cloud.

"The CA AppLogic platform provides faster provisioning of applications, which allows us to more rapidly deliver services, while minimizing our go-to-market costs," said Brunner.

CA Technologies Germany, Austria and Switzerland Area Sales vice-president Manfred Eierle said the economies of scale created by implementing the CA AppLogic platform are enormous for both enterprises and MSPs.

"Novatrend will gain a competitive advantage from its ability to offer cost-effective cloud services in Switzerland," said Eierle.