Novartis Austria chose WebForce and ForceAnalyzer, two of Dendrite’s newest and most effective sales management products to provide their sales representatives with a sustained competitive advantage, and to enhance the company’s sales management programs. WebForce leverages the Internet with products that representatives find easy to use, effective and intuitive. Because of the unique level of pharmaceutical knowledge in the product design, managers are better able to measure and direct their sales teams, particularly in sophisticated environments, ensuring the company achieves maximum value from their investment in Dendrite technology.

The sales representatives’ ability to plan and measure their activities and to maximize the value of sales calls using the Dendrite system is where Novartis will gain competitive advantage over the life of their agreement.

Commenting on the agreement to the press, Ms Ingrid Cip, Manager of Novartis Austria said, Dendrite has proven their ability to implement leading edge technology around the world and to deploy systems rapidly without compromising their high level of quality and service. One of Novartis Austria’s key requirements is to quickly and effectively upgrade the current sales force system, while maintaining superior customer service.

In Portugal, Dendrite’s specialized Medicheck product, teamed with their powerful analysis tools of in ForceAnalyzer will be rapidly deployed amongst Novartis’ sales and management teams. We chose Dendrite because their solutions are focused solely on helping pharmaceutical companies improve the effectiveness and sophistication of all users, extending well beyond the traditional sales representative to sales managers, product managers, the marketing department and other head office functions, said Ms Gilda Parreira, Head of Marketing and Sales Novartis Portugal.

It is vital for Novartis Portugal that data is synchronized, integrated and dependable. Dendrite’s reporting and analysis tool – ForceAnalyzer – will enable all users at all levels to analyze and act upon user-friendly information in real time. Ms Parreira added, Dendrite’s technology is leading edge – their knowledge of the European pharmaceutical market is unmatched.