Fremont, California-based NovaLink Technologies Inc has started shipping the NovaModem 144, a 14.4Kbps data and facsimile modem that also supports speech messaging on a single PCMCIA Type II card. The NovaModem comes with Windows-based data, facsimile, speech and wireless communications software, says the company. The wireless software is said to be designed to enable users to send alphanumeric messages over paging services. The modem is said to distinguish automatically between data, facsimile and voice calls, handling each as appropriate via the included QuickLink Message Center for Windows software. According to the company, the speech messaging capability enables for multiple voice mail boxes, multiple private outgoing messages, and remote retrieval. NovaModem provides V.42 LAPM and MNP 2-4 for error correction, V.42bis and MNP 5 for data compression, and MNP 10 for enhanced data throughput, says NovaLink. With WinBeep Pro Lite, the company adds, users can also upload alphanumeric messages to paging services. The company says it plans to develop intuitive, wireless personal messaging devices as consumer electronics devices in the future. The NovaModem is shipping now for $270.