– Good morning, and welcome back, said lead prosecutor David Boies to repeat witness Franklin Fisher. It’s nice to be back, said Fisher, …so far.

– It was a day for quibbling over the fine details of anti- competition law. I want to focus on what may or may not be a nuance, said Boies, before introducing one especially obscure point. Fisher sighed and said, I’m not sure this is going to be the most fascinating part of the day. Groans could be heard from the press gallery. You could always tell me it’s just a meaningless nuance, said Boies hopefully. The courtroom erupted into laughter, over which Fisher could be heard protesting: It’s not a meaningless nuance! It’s a meaningful nuance!

– I’m not going to comment about recording operating systems sales by hand on pieces of paper, said Fisher, referring to a rather astonishing piece of testimony made by Microsoft’s Brad Chase back in February 1999, except to say that Dean Schmalensee, with his usual good nature, was rather credulous to believe it.

– After all this time, nobody has dared to tell Boies that it isn’t called American Online.