– Prosecutor David Boies noted that Microsoft has defended its conduct on the grounds that it was protecting its intellectual property, drawing an analogy with the success of Titanic. You mean the success of the movie Titanic? asked expert witness Franklin Fisher. The ship Titanic was a failure.

– In a bid to skewer Fisher for relying on a Microsoft internal document which turned out to be false, Microsoft attorney Michael Lacovara asked: Do you think people at Microsoft make mistakes? Since I don’t work for Microsoft, I’m free to say yes, said Fisher. I do work for Microsoft and I think so too, said Lacovara, but he had to shout to be heard over the laughter from the press gallery.

– There was some confusion over who held the copyright in a book of essays by Fisher, which Microsoft offered as evidence. The copyright holder turned out to be Fisher himself. He was bemused by this, and quipped: Trust me, I didn’t do this for the money.

– Asked in his last appearance whether the Palm platform is capable of supporting internet access, Fisher said he would have to ask his wife. Lacovara asked whether he had had a chance to revisit the issue. Fisher said: I still haven’t asked her, if that’s what you mean.

– Lacovara introduced as evidence an article from The Red Herring. A well-named journal, said Fisher.